
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Apache 2.2.14 installation on RHEL 5 (statically linked Apache binary)

Apache 2.2.14 installation on RHEL 5 (statically linked Apache binary)

Benefit of a statically built Apache server is that at compile time users have to examine all modules needed. This insures the smallest memory footprint for the Apache binary, and can also result in a more secure server by limiting exposure to loaded modules. Once you build and run your Apache binary, you will know exactly the memory footprint of each child or

1) Create user
#useradd -m apacheadm
#passwd apacheadm

2) Login as apacheadm

3) Download httpd-2.2.14.tar.gz source distribution to /opt/software

4) Prepare for install

chmod 755 httpd-2.2.14.tar.gz
gunzip httpd-2.2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf httpd-2.2.14.tar
rm httpd-2.2.14.tar
cd httpd-2.2.14
./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --enable-headers --enable-proxy --enable-rewrite --with-included-apr


i) To include modules of your choice: ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --with-included-apr --enable-ssl --enable-module=proxy
ii) Compile Apache for dynamic loading: ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --enable-so

5) Install Apache
make install

Apache website
F5 LTM deployment guide for Apache

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