
Friday, March 21, 2014

Questions and Answers on Apache Server

Apache Server on linux
Questions and Answers: Apache Server

1. Is Apache installed?
     rpm-qa | grep httpd

2. Is Apache running?
     Ps -ef | grep httpd

3. How to start and stop Apache?

     /etc/init.d/httpd stop
     /etc/init.d/httpd start
    or go to /etc/rc3.d
     ./S85httpd stop
     ./S85httpd start
  This is a soft link. You can create if not there:
         ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd  /etc/rc3.d/S85httpd

4.Where are web files uploaded for your web site?

5.What is default home page and how do you set on LAN for local viewing of web pages?
        http://192.168.0.XX   (index.html is default home page)
6.How do you check if Apache is working on your linux computer (that has the web site):
 7. How do you setup a local domain for the web site to be seen by other computers on the LAN?

First of all, check and see if you have a file called /etc/init.d/httpd
If you do, type the following command to create a link in /etc/rc3.d
   ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd  /etc/rc3.d/S85httpd
 In order to create a local domain called, you have to do the following steps:-
 1. Run the command:  netstat -an |grep LISTEN
 You will see what IP address port 80 is bound to. It's most likely bound to
 2. After backing up the file, edit  httpd.conf.  Look for the line where you see 127.0.01, replace it with the IP of your machine. Stop/start the web server
 3. Make sure you have an entry in your /etc/hosts, binding the machine IP to
 4. Also make sure that this entry exists in ALL your other machines in the house. (In Windows machines, it should be in 'host' and also 'lmhosts'
 Additional Information:
 Apache files (Red Hat Linux 8):
/etc/init.d/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -configuration file
/var/www/html   - index.html, web pages
/etc/rc3.d/S85httpd  -to start Apache at boot time
/var/log/httpd  -error logs

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Solution for Manual Runner Window Disappear

Problem : When ever you are trying to click on RUN button to executed test scripts in Test Lab, Manual Runner Window populated and disappeared.

Solution : Remove the User access from the Group and re-assign. The problem will resolve.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Step by step Apache Installation & Configuaration

Apache Installation & Configuaration

Installation made simple Steps which you can follow them

Step1: Download the any stable version of httpd for your operating environemnt (Now I am intersted in Solaris) suitable binaries given as tar/zip file (Ex: httpd-2.2.11.tar) and Extract it

tar -xvf httpd-2.2.11.tar

Step2: Go to httpd-2.2.11 directory and execute the confiure command to configure the apache in one folder (Ex: apache2)

cd httpd-2.2.11
./configure --prefix=$Home/apache2

Step3: We need to execute the below commands to build I mean compile the binaries

make install

Step4: take the backup of httpd.conf file

cd apache2/conf
cp httpd.conf httpd.conf_original

Step5: Edit the httpd.conf configuration file

vi httpd.conf
ServerRoot "$Home/apache2"
(ServerRoot is the path to the server's configuration, error and log files.It is possible to change this path, provided all the necessary files are copiedto the new location accordingly)
Listen IPAddress:Port (Ex: Listen
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
User wlusername
#main content of wl application details to update in httpd.conf file
Open tag of IfModule
#keep the info in open tag of IfModule ---mod_weblogic.c
WebLogicCluster hostname:9902,hostnamevir1:9902
MatchExpression *.jsp
close tag of IfModule
Open tag of Location
#keep /application root folder name in Lacation
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
HungServerRecoverSecs 600
ConnectTimeoutSecs 40
DebugConfigInfo OFF
Debug ON
WLLogFile /$Home/apache2/logs/web1.log
ConnectRetrySecs 2
Idempotent ON
FileCaching ON
SecureProxy OFF
Debug OFF
Close tag of Location

ServerName (we can use dns name , if we don't have it then we can use the ip)

Step6:copy the module file from $Home/wl923/bea/weblogic92/server/plugin/solaris/sparc to $Home/apache2/modules
cp $Home/wl923/bea/weblogic92/server/plugin/solaris/sparc/ $Home/apache2/modules/

Step7:check the status of apche configuaration is ok
cd $Home/apache2/bin
apachectl -t
Step8: Now the starting your newly installed Apache webserver
apchectl -k start or httpd -k start

Step9: Access the application with the apache port
http://hostip:port(which%20is%20kept%20in%20httpd.conf/ file)/ProjectName/jsp/Logon.jsp
Step10: Stop the Apache
apchectl -k stop or httpd -k stop