
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

what is Wasted Time in LoadRunner ?

Wasted time is time spent on activities whose purpose is to support test analysis, but would never be performed by a browser user, for example, time spent keeping transaction statistics for later reporting. Wasted time is calculated internally by LoadRunner. Your script can also add wasted time with lr_wasted_time.

Sometimes, you may enter activities in a script that your do not want reported as part of the transaction statistics. Generally, these are activities related to record keeping, logging, or custom analysis. If you enhance the script with steps whose durations should not be included in the test statistics, you can track the time used by these steps with lr_start_timer and lr_end_timer. Then, the function lr_wasted_time is used for adding this user-determined time to the internally generated wasted time.

You can retrieve the total wasted time (both that generated by LoadRunner automatically and that added with lr_wasted_time) with the function lr_get_transaction_wasted_time, or with lr_get_trans_instance_wasted_time, as appropriate.

When VuGen creates the log file, output.txt, and when on line testing generates the Vuser log files, no action is taken with the wasted time. The actual elapsed transaction times are reported. The lr_get_transaction_duration function also returns the actual elapsed transaction time. This information may be useful in analyzing and developing test scripts.

However, in the on-line graphs in the LoadRunner Controller and the transaction response time graphs in the LoadRunner Analysis, the transaction times are reported after subtracting the wasted time. This is the time most pertinent to understanding the system being tested.

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