Q: What is the difference between set and list?
: Set stores elements in an unordered way but does not contain
duplicate elements, whereas list stores elements in an ordered way but
may contain duplicate elements.
Q : What is garbage collection? What is the process that is responsible for doing that in java?
Ans : Reclaiming the unused memory by the invalid objects. Garbage collector is responsible for this process
Q: What kind of thread is the Garbage collector thread?
Ans. It is a daemon thread.
Q : What is a daemon thread?
: These are the threads which can run without user intervention. The
JVM can exit when there are daemon thread by killing them abruptly.
Q : What is the basic difference between string and stringbuffer object?
Ans. String is an immutable object. StringBuffer is a mutable object.
Q: What is Servlet chaining?
Servlet chaining is a technique in which two or more servlets can
cooperate in servicing a single request. In servlet chaining, one
servlet’s output is piped to the next servlet’s input. This process
continues until the last servlet is reached. Its output is then sent
back to the client.
Q: What are JSP scripting elements?
:JSP scripting elements lets to insert Java code into the servlet that
will be generated from the current JSP page. There are three forms:
1) Expressions of the form <%= expression %> that are evaluated and inserted into the output
2) Scriptlets of the form<% code %>that are inserted into the servlet’s service method
Declarations of the form <%! Code %>that are inserted into the
body of the servlet class, outside of any existing methods.
Q: What is the servlet lifecycle?
Instantiation and initialization
servlet engine creates an instance of the servlet. The servlet engine
creates the servlet configuration object and uses it to pass the servlet
initialization parameters to the init() method. The initialization
parameters persist until the servlet is destroyed and are applied to all
invocations of that servlet.
Servicing requests
servlet engine creates a request object and a response object. The
servlet engine invokes the servlet service() method, passing the request
and response objects.
service() method gets information about the request from the request
object, processes the request, and uses methods of the response object
to create the client response. The service method can invoke other
methods to process the request, such as doGet(), doPost(), or methods
you write.
servlet engine stops a servlet by invoking the servlet's destroy()
method. Typically, a servlet's destroy() method is invoked when the
servlet engine is stopping a Web application which contains the servlet.
The destroy() method runs only one time during the lifetime of the
servlet and signals the end of the servlet.
a servlet's destroy() method is invoked, the servlet engine unloads the
servlet, and the Java virtual machine eventually performs garbage
collection on the memory resources associated with the servlet.
Q: Can't I use a constructor instead of init(ServletConfig)?
of course you can use the constructor instead of init(). There's
nothing to stop you. But you shouldn't. The original reason for init()
was that ancient versions of Java couldn't dynamically invoke
constructors with arguments, so there was no way to give the constructur
a ServletConfig. That no longer applies, but servlet containers still
will only call your no-arg constructor. So you won't have access to a
ServletConfig or ServletContext.
Q: Should I get my database connection in the init() method?
The init(ServletConfig) method is only called once when a servlet is
brought into service by the servlet container, not for each new servlet
it is better to use the init(ServletConfig) method to register the
database driver and get a reference to the DriverManager, a DataSource
or database connection pool. Then use the connection provider to get a
connection for each request within a try/catch block. This way you can
handle the case where the connection fails, and ensure that all
connections are closed in any case. The close() method of a pooled
Connection instance just returns it to the pool.
Q: What is the difference between merge and update in hibernate?
Update() :
Update the persistent instance with the identifier of the given
detached instance. If there is a persistent instance with the same
identifier, an exception is thrown. This operation cascades to
associated instances if the association is mapped with
merge() :
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the
same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated
with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If
the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly
persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with
the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the
association is mapped with cascade="merge".
Q: what is the use of cascade in hibernate?
In cascade, after one operation (save, update and delete) is done, it
decide whether it need to call other operations (save, update and
delete) on another entities which has relationship with each other.
Q: Write an sql query for deleting duplicate rows ?
FROM MyTable
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY DuplicateColumn1, DuplicateColumn2, DuplicateColumn3
Q:What are Primary Keys and Foreign Keys?
Primary keys are the unique identifiers for each row. They must contain
unique values and cannot be null. Due to their importance in relational
databases, Primary keys are the most fundamental aspect of all keys and
constraints. A table can have only one primary key.
Foreign keys are a method of ensuring data integrity and manifestation of the relationship between tables.
Q : What is DriverManager ?
Ans: DriverManager is a class in java.sql package. It is the basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers.
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