Fabasoft app.test - Web test tool from Fabasoft Distribution GmbH; tests are based on patterns to reduce the complexity of HTML and Java applications - no XPath or CSS expressions are stored in the test but meaningful and understandable statements. Patterns for web sites can be designed by using the point-and-click editor as an Eclipse Plugin. Tests can be recorded by using the point-and-click recorder in all supported web browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) and immediately be replayed in all other browsers without modification. Various Ant-Tasks provide seamless integration into Continuous Integration systems like Hudson. Generates various reports as HTML or PDF; errors documented with screenshots and various dumps. Supports Win, Linux, Mac OS-X; free and premium $ versions available.
Janova - A web-based, automated web testing tool that runs functional tests securely in the cloud. Users configure Janova using project structures of Features (test scripts), Pages and Flows to access their web-based application and define the requirements of the site in English. Features describe how the application is supposed to work; once a feature has been created, a user defines what verification elements are supposed to be on the web page. Includes detailed test results reports.
FuncUnit - Free open source web application testing framework; uses API based on jQuery. Can be downloaded and used standalone or as the part of the full stack JavaScript framework - JavaScriptMVC. Supports all modern browsers on PC, Mac, and Linux; tests can also be run via Selenium. Also available is FuncIT an IDE for FuncUnit; and Syn which creates synthetic events and performs default event behavior - can simulate user typing, clicking, dragging the mouse and enables complex JavaScript functional testing and also works with most modern browsers on PC, Mac, and Linux.
qUnit - JavaScript test suite used by the jQuery project to test its code and plugins but is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code. Similar to other unit testing frameworks like JUnit, but utilizes JavaScript features and helps with testing code in the browser, such as with its stop/start facilities for testing asynchronous code.
EnvJS - Open source simulated browser environment (headless browser) written in javascript, originally developed by John Resig.
Twist - Integrated Development Environment (IDE) from Thoughtworks Studios for agile functional testing of web apps and Java Swing apps. Uses an enhanced version of Selenium ("TwistSelenium") to drive web app testing, which has many fixes on top of Selenium, and adds functionality such as a recorder. Capabilities include: Express requirements directly as test specifications in English (or any UTF-8 supported language) using your domain language; map test specifications to the underlying code and navigate between them with IDE-support; out-of-the-box support for Test Driven Development. Java-based - runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
QF-Test - QF-Test/web from Quality First Software is a cross-platform software tool for cross-browser test automation of web-based applications (HTML, AJAX, ExtJS, GWT, RAP, Qooxdoo, RichFaces) and Java apps. Includes small-scale test management capabilities, capture/replay mechanism, intuitive user interface and extensive documentation, reliable component recognition and can handle complex and custom GUI objects, integrated test debugger and customizable reporting.
Fabasoft app.test - Web test tool from Fabasoft Distribution GmbH; includes recorder, multi-browser support, dialog and script error handler, errors are documented with a screenshot and various dumps, various reports are generated and provided as HTML or PDF; more. Available as free and $ versions.
Tester Bench for jQuery - Web test automation tool from Mouseclick Technologies. Script language is javascript with jQuery. Additional language extensions simplify control of the mouse, keyboard, and test assertions, using jQuery syntax. Mouse and keyboard events are realistically emulated by the OS agent (not synthetic). Easy installation; unattended execution; extensible syntax. Targeted platforms/browsers: Windows XP, Vista, Win7, cross browser.
Cloud Testing Service - Web testing utilizing cloud capabilities, from Cloud Testing Limited. Involves first recording web functionality via browser and Selenium IDE, uploading scripts to the Cloud Testing website; then scripts run using real browsers on real operating systems in the testing cloud; results are available as screenshots, HTML & component diagnostics. Test can be re-run whenever needed or as scheduled. Cross Browser feature enables test runs in multiple browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome) and comparing appearance/results side-by-side. Cloud load testing and site monitoring services also available.
Tellurium - Tellurium is an open-source UI module-based automated testing framework for web applications. The UI module is a collection of UI elements you group together. Usually, the UI module represents a composite UI object in the format of nested basic UI elements. The UI module makes it possible to build UI elements' locators at run time. The Tellurium UI Model Plugin (TrUMP) is a Firefox plugin to automatically create UI modules for users. The framework does Object to Locator Mapping (OLM) automatically at run time so that you can define UI objects simply by their attributes. Tellurium uses the Group Locating Concept (GLC) to exploit information inside a collection of UI components to help finding their locators. A new Domain Specific Language (DSL) for web testing is defined. A powerful feature of Tellurium is that you can use UI templates to represent many identical UI elements or dynamic size of different UI elements at runtime, which are extremely useful to test dynamic web such as a data grid. Another feature is the capability to composite UI objects into a Tellurium widget object. You can pack Tellurium widgets as a jar file and then use a Tellurium widget just like a single tellurium UI object once you include the jar file. The Tellurium Core is written in Groovy and Java. Tellurium Engine and Trump are implemented using JavaScript and jQuery. Test cases can be written in Java, Groovy, or pure DSL. Detailed User Guide, Frequent Asked Questions, and illustrative examples are provided.
SlimDog - A simple script based web application testing tool. It is based on httpunit. The tool offers a wide range of commands to work with forms, check the content of tables and navigation between HTML pages. Rather than writing long JUnit testcases or crucial XML files the users can write simple text scripts. Each line of the script file will contain one command which is a testnode. All commands inside one file will be processed as a testcase. The syntax of every command is simple and easy to learn. Several scripts can be combined to a testsuite. The results are written either to the console, a file or as a HTML page.
SymbioTeam - Test automation tool from SymbioWare, Inc. An integrated software testing, site monitoring, and load testing solution for Web and Windows desktop applications. Support for AJAX, Flash, and rich Web applications. JavaScript advanced support extends a wide set of predefined functions; built-in Selenium support. For Windows platforms; available as an online service or installed locally.
TestOptimal - Functional/regression and load/stress testing automation platform for web applications and Java applications, from TestOptimal. Utilizes Model-Based Testing (MBT) and Mathematical Optimization techniques; test case generation and execution directly from the application model. TestOptimal is a web application itself; can be integrated with JUnit and run inside Eclipse or NetBeans. Application modeling with graphs - state chart XML (SCXML) with drag and drop user interface running on standard browser; many test sequencers (test generation) to meet different testing needs, test automation with Java or mScript (XML-based scripting), statistical analysis on test executions and virtual (concurrent) users for load testing. With its WebService interface, can be integrated with other testing tools like Quality Center and QTP. Multiple browser support. For Windows, linux and unix.
WebUI Test Studio - WebUI Test Studio QA Edition from Telerik is a point-and-click automated testing tool that helps users build tests in minutes. The tool requires 0 lines of code. Instead, users can use smart wizards to visually highlight an element and automatically generate verifications. Test maintenance is faster thanks to the employed web element abstraction techniques. This allows for an element to be updated once and have the change applied to all tests. Furthermore, you can record and play your tests on IE, FF, and Safari at the same time. Also available is WebUI Test Studio Developer Edition, a Visual Studio plug-in for recording cross-browser functional tests.
Windmill - Open source web testing framework; in Python. Capabilities include full featured recorder - one click and the IDE writes the tests; DOM Explorer; assertion explorer - quickly generate action validating the state of application; test saving and playback; real time performance and output information; handles SSL; supports Python, JavaScript, Ruby; supports most browsers. Requires Python.
Ranorex Automation Framework - A Windows GUI test automation framework from Ranorex GmbH for testing many different application types including Web 2.0 applications, Win32, MFC, Delphi, WPF, Flash/Flex, .NET, Silverlght, and Java (SWT), and includes support for 3rd party controls like Infragistics, DevExpress, QT, etc.; Avoids proprietary scripting languages and instead enables use of the functionalities of programming languages like Python or C# as a base and expand on it with its GUI automation functionality. The Ranorex Spy tool allows users to explore/analyze host or web applications. Ranorex object repositories and repository browser enables separation of test automation code/recordings from RanoreXPath identification information. The IDE includes test project management, integration of all Ranorex tools (Recorder, Repository, Spy), intuitive code editor, code completion, debugging, and watch monitor.
Celerity - An open source JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit. Runs as a headless Java browser - speeding up web testing; Java threads enable running tests in parallel; can run in background. JavaScript support. Provides simple API for programmatic navigation thu web apps. Intended to be API compatible with Watir. For any platform.
Celurity - Culurity is an open source tool by Alexander Lang that integrates Cucumber and Celerity; can run Celerity from within Cucumber which allows testing of the full stack of Rails or other web applications from database to in-browser JavaScript; run an application in any Ruby (like MRI 1.8.6) while Celerity runs in JRuby so you can still use gems/plugins that would not work with JRuby; enables reuse of existing Webrat-Style step definitions
Webrat - Ruby-based utility to enable quick development of web app acceptance tests. Open source by Bryan Helmkamp. Leverages the DOM to run tests similarly to in-browser test tools like Watir or Selenium without the associated performance hit and browser dependency. Best for web apps that do NOT utilize Javascript; apps using Javascript in-browser tools may be more appropriate.
Capybara - Open source tool from Jonas Nicklas available as a Ruby gem; aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications, such as Rails, Sinatra or Merb. It is inspired by and aims to replace Webrat as a DSL for interacting with a web application. It is agnostic about the driver running tests and as of comes bundled with support for rack-test, Culerity, Celerity and Selenium support built in. Env.js support is available as the capybara-envjs gem.
Steam - An open source tool from Sven Fuchs and Clemens Kofler providing headless integration testing tool driving HtmlUnit to enable testing JavaScript-driven web sites. It is similar to Culerity which drives Celerity (which also drives HtmlUnit). Steam’s advantages over plain Webrat is that it can test your Javascript and CSS.
CubicTest - An open source graphical Eclipse plug-in for writing functional web tests in Selenium and Watir. Makes web tests faster and easier to write, and provides abstractions to make tests more robust and reusable. Tests are stored in XML, directly mapped from the CubicTest domain model to XML via XStream. Tests can at any time be exported to Selenium Core tables (a popular test format) or Watir test cases. Supports recording; maven.
Mechanize - Open source Ruby library for automating interaction with websites; automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted. Also keeps track of the sites visited. It is a Ruby version of Andy Lester's Perl 'Mechanize' Note: does not handle javascript.
Automation Anywhere - Tool from Tethys Solutions using 'SMART' Automation Technology offers over 180+ powerful actions for web automation. Works with any website, including complex websites using java, javascript, AJAX, Flash or iFrames. Agent-less remote deployment allows automated task to be run over various machines on the network. An advanced Web Recorder ensures accurate re-runs taking into account website changes. Also includes an editor with Point & Click wizards to automate tasks in minutes. includes link checking.
StoryTestIQ - StoryTestIQ (STIQ) is a test framework used to create Automated Acceptance Tests. It's a mashup of Selenium and FitNesse: its "wiki-ized" Selenium with widgets and features that make it easier to write and organize Selenium tests.
Watij - Web Application Testing in Java, an open source pure Java API. Based on the simplicity of the Watir open source web test framework and enhanced by the capabilities of Java; automates functional testing of web apps through a real browser. Provides a BeanShell Desktop console; For MS IE on Windows.
TestMaker - Free open source utility maintained by PushToTest.com and Frank Cohen, for functional testing as well as performance and scalability testing. Features test authoring of Web applications, Rich Internet Applications (RIA) using Ajax/Flex/Flash, Service Oriented Architecture, and Business Process Management environments. Enables integration of Selenium, soapUI, TestGen4Web, and HTMLUnit, Bluenog and Icefaces to make test development faster/easier. Repurposes tests from these tools into tests, and business service monitors with no coding. Repurposes unit tests written in Java, Jython, JRuby, Groovy, and other dynamic scripting languages. Built-in Root Cause Analysis and Correlation using Glassbox and Dynatrace monitoring services. Runs on any platform.
AutoMate - Automation platform from Network Automation, includes capability to simulates GUI activity via the browser.Inc with robust automated testing capabilities. Capabilities include support for HTTPS; Microsoft Excel Integration; a test run Event Database, native Terminal Emulation support. Tasks can be developed via drag-and-drop without writing code. Runs on Windows platforms.
Automation Anywhere - Functional test automation tool from Tethys Solutions, LLC, includes web test automation capabilities - includes a web recorder that understands web controls; web page data extraction capabilities. For Win platforms
iMacros for Firefox - Free Firefox add-on to record and automate web interactions. Can use variables inside the macros, and import data from CSV files. Includes user agent switcher, PDF download and Flash, ad and image blocking functions. The recorded macros can be combined and controlled with Javascript, so complex tasks can be scripted. The EXTRACT command enables reading of data from a website and exporting it to CSV files. Full Unicode support and works with all languages including multi-byte languages such as Chinese. STOPWATCH command enables capturing of web page response times
Avignon Acceptance Testing System - Open source acceptance test system that allows writing of executable tests in a language that the user can define. It uses XML to define the syntax of the language but, if the user chooses to extend the language, allows the semantics of the tests to be user-defined. Includes modules for testing web applications through either IE or FireFox, and modules for testing Swing and .NET WinForm applications also..
Sahi - Free open-source web test tool, written in java and javascript, from Narayan Raman/Tyto Software; capabilities include an Accessor Viewer for identifying html elements for scripting, editable scripts (javascript), simple APIs, ant support for playback of suites of tests, multi threaded playback, HTTP and HTTPS support, AJAX support, logging/reports, suites can run in multiple threads thus reducing the test execution time.
Fitnesse - A lightweight, open-source framework that makes it easy for software teams to collaboratively define Acceptance Tests -- web pages containing simple tables of data inputs and expected outputs, and run those tests and see the results. The tables are expressed in the form of a wiki; the Fitnesse wiki enables easy creation and editing of the Wiki/Fitnesse pages. FitNesse is a web server.
WebFT - Web-centric functional testing solution from Radview, supports both established and emerging web technologies. Provides a visual environment for creating Agendas (scripts) that include test recording, editing, debugging, verification and reporting features.
Floyd - A Java library for automated testing of web applications; provides full control of standard web browsers such as Firefox and MSIE. Interaction with the browser and any loaded web pages is achieved via calls to Floyd's Java API. Has two main components: a normal browser embedded into the web application and controlled via its public interface, and an embedded servlet container/web server. Can be used with any unit test library.
Imprimatur - Free web functional testing tool by Tony Locke, written in Java as a command-line application. Tests are described in a simple XML file; along with standard GET, POST and DELETE methods, handles HTTP authentication and file uploads. Responses can be validated using regular expressions.
WET - Open source web testing tool that drives MSIE directly; from Qantom Software Pvt. Ltd. Has many features like multiple parameter based object identification for more reliable object recognition, support for XML Based Object Repository and more. Scripting in Ruby; written in Ruby.
SOASTA Concerto - A suite of visual tools for automated web functional and load testing from SOASTA, Inc. Available as services on the web. Drag and drop visual interface that also allows access to underlying message complexity. Task-specific visual editors support creation of targets, messages, test cases, and test compositions. Works with Firefox and MSIE, Win and OSX.
Regression Tester - Web test tool from Info-Pack.com allows testing of functionality of any page or form Reports are fully customizable.
Yawet - Visual web test tool from InforMatrix GmbH enables graphical creation of web app tests. Create, run and debug functional and regression tests for web applications. Can verify HTML, XML, and PDF' ability to do report generation, reusable step libraires and parameterization. Freeware; download jar file and start by double-click or with command javaw -jar yawet.jar
vTest - Web functional and regression test tool from Verisium Inc. Includes record and playback capabilities and scripting utilizing JavaScript. For Windows platforms.
SWExplorerAutomation - Low cost web tool from Webius creates an automation API for any Web application which uses HTML and DHTML and works with MSIE. The Web application becomes programmatically accessible from any .NET language. The SWExplorerAutomation API provides access to Web application controls and content. The API is generated using SWExplorerAutomation Visual Designer, which helps create programmable objects from Web page content. Features include script recording and VB/C# code generation.
LISA Test - Automated web application testing tool from iTKO, Inc. No test coding or scripting. Can invoke and verifies functionality at every layer of an application - from dynamic web UIs, to web services, ESB/JMS messaging layers, EJB servers, Java objects, databases, file systems, legacy objects and much more.
Squish for Web - Cross platform automated testing framework from Froglogic GmbH for HTML-based Web and Web 2.0/Ajax applications running in any of several browsers. Record or create/modify scripts using Tcl, Python, JavaScript. Automatic identification of GUI objects of the AUT; inspect AUT's objects, properties and methods on run-time using the Squish Spy. Can be run via a GUI front-end or via command line tools. Can execute tests in a debugger allowing setting breakpoints and stepping through test scripts.
Funkload - Free web functional testing and load testing tool written by Benoit Delbosc in Python and distributed as free software under the GNU GPL. Emulates a web browser (single-threaded) using webunit; https support; produces detailed reports in ReST, HTML, or PDF. Functional tests are pure Python scripts using the pyUnit framework.
WebCorder - Free GUI web testing tool from Crimson Solutions, developed in VB. Designed for end users who are doing web based software testing, as a simple tool to record test scenarios, and play them back and generate log files. The user may also check for text or images on the screen or save screenshots.
Watir - 'Web Application Testing in Ruby', a free open-source family of web automation libraries in Ruby. The libraries support IE on Windows, Firefox on Windows, Mac and Linux, Safari on Mac, Chrome on Windows and Flash testing with Firefox. Note: Firewatir (targeting Firefox) is now merged with Watir. For a listing of additional tools that are available to extend some capabilities - see the Watir site and also Alternative Tools for Web Testing' page at the OpenQA site for more info.
WatiN - 'Web Application Testing in .Net', a free open-source tool, drives MSIE browser and checks results. Uses C#. Automates all major HTML elements, find elements by multiple attributes, supports AJAX website testing, supports frames (cross domain) and iframes, supports popup dialogs like alert, confirm, login etc.,supports HTML dialogs (modal and modeless), and has a basic (extensible) logging mechanism Also available is a WatiN Test Recorder
Selenium - Free open-source tool set, originally from Thoughtworks. Consists of multiple related tools/projects including: * Selenium IDE, a Firefox add-on for record/playback tests in Firefox 2+; can be used to generate code to run tests with Selenium Remote Control.
* Selenium Remote Control, a client/server system enabling control of web browsers locally or on other computers, using almost any programming language and testing framework.
* Selenium WebDriver, for driving a browser natively either locally or on remote machines. Works with most browsers and OS's.
* Selenium Grid, which enables use of Selenium Remote Control to run tests on many servers simultaneously, reducing time needed to test multiple browsers or OS's.
* Selenium Remote Control, a client/server system enabling control of web browsers locally or on other computers, using almost any programming language and testing framework.
* Selenium WebDriver, for driving a browser natively either locally or on remote machines. Works with most browsers and OS's.
* Selenium Grid, which enables use of Selenium Remote Control to run tests on many servers simultaneously, reducing time needed to test multiple browsers or OS's.
Selenium Grid - An open source web functional testing tool that can transparently distribute your tests on multiple machines to enable running tests in parallel, cutting down the time required for running in-browser test suites. This enables speed-up of in-browser web testing. Selenium tests interact with a 'Selenium Hub' instead of Selenium Remote Control. The Hub allocates Selenium Remote Controls to each test. The Hub is also in charge of routing the Selenium requests from the tests to the appropriate Remote Control as well as keeping track of testing sessions.
WebDriver - Open source alternative to the initial Selenium approach for driving browsers; has been integrated into the Selenium 2.x project. Instead of being a JavaScript application running within the browser, WebDriver uses whichever mechanism is most appropriate to control the browser. For Firefox, it's implemented as an extension; for IE, it utilizes IE's Automation controls. This alternative mechanism of controlling the browser allows working around the JavaScript security model browser restrictions. Addtionally, where automation through the browser isn't enough, WebDriver can interact with the Operating System - such as in simulating typing at the OS level in Windows. WebDriver has been integrated into the Selenium project.
PesterCat - Low cost web functional testing tool from PesterCat LLC. Features include recording and playback of HTTP web requests, XML format for saved scripts, HTTP response validations, perform backend database validations or call procedures, use variables and variable setters to make scripts dynamic, automate test scripts with Ant tasks to run scripts and generate reports. Requires Java JRE; for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.
IeUnit - IeUnit is an open-source simple framework to test logical behaviors of web pages, released under IBM's Common Public License. It helps users to create, organize and execute functional unit tests. Includes a test runner with GUI interface. Implemented in JavaScript for the Windows XP platform with Internet Explorer.
QEngine - Automated testing tool from Zoho Corp. for functional testing of web applications and web services. For Linux anx Windows. Records and plays in IE, Mozilla, and Firefox browsers.
AppPerfect DevSuite - Suite of testing, tuning, and monitoring products from AppPerfect Corp. that includes a web functional testing module. Records browser interaction by element instead of screen co-ordinates. Supports handling dynamic content created by JavaScript; supports ASP, JSP, HTML, cookies, SSL. For Windows and MSIE; integrates with a variety of IDE's.
JStudio SiteWalker - Test tool from Jarsch Software Studio allows capture/replay recording; fail definitions can be specified for each step of the automated workflow via JavaScript. JavaScript's Document Object Model enables full access to all document elements. Test data from any database or Excel spreadsheet can be mapped to enter values automatically into HTML form controls. HTML-based test result reports can be generated. Shareware for Windows/MSIE.
Test Complete Enterprise - Automated test tool from AutomatedQA Corp. for testing of web applications as well as Windows, .NET, and Java applications. Includes capabilities for automated functional, unit, regression, manual, data-driven, object-driven, distributed and HTTP load, stress and scalability testing. Requires Windows and MSIE.
actiWate - Java-based Web application testing environment from Actimind Inc. Advanced framework for writing test scripts in Java (similar to open-source frameworks like HttpUnit, HtmlUnit etc. but with extended API), and Test Writing Assistant - Web browser plug-in module to assist the test writing process. Freeware.
WebInject - Open source tool in PERL for automated testing of web applications and services. Can be used to unit test any individual component with an HTTP interface (JSP, ASP, CGI, PHP, servlets, HTML forms, etc.) or it can be used to create a suite of HTTP level functional or regression tests.
jWebUnit - Open source Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. Provides a high-level API for navigating a web application combined with a set of assertions to verify the application's correctness including navigation via links, form entry and submission, validation of table contents, and other typical business web application features. Utilizes HttpUnit behind the scenes. The simple navigation methods and ready-to-use assertions allow for more rapid test creation than using only JUnit and HttpUnit.
SimpleTest - Open source unit testing framework which aims to be a complete PHP developer test solution. Includes all of the typical functions that would be expected from JUnit and the PHPUnit ports, but also adds mock objects; has some JWebUnit functionality as well. This includes web page navigation, cookie testing and form submission.
WinTask - Macro recorder from TaskWare, automates repetitive tasks for Web site testing (and standard Windows applications), with its HTML objects recognition. Includes capability to expand scope of macros by editing and adding loops, branching statements, etc. (300+ commands); ensure robustness of scripts with Synchronization commands. Includes a WinTask Scheduler.
Canoo WebTest - Free Java Open Source tool for automatic functional testing of web applications. XML-based test script code is editable with user's preferred XML editor; until recording capabilities are added, scripts have to be developed manually. Can group tests into a testsuite that again can be part of a bigger testsuite. Test results are reported in either plain text or XML format for later presentation via XSLT. Standard reporting XSLT stylesheets included, and can be adapted to any reporting style or requirements.
TestSmith - Functional/Regression test tool from Quality Forge. Includes an Intelligent, HTML/DOM-Aware and Object Mode Recording Engine, and a Data-Driven, Adaptable and Multi-Threaded Playback Engine. Handles Applets, Flash, Active-X controls, animated bitmaps, etc. Controls are recorded as individual objects independent of screen positions or resolution; playback window/size can be different than in capture. Special validation points, such as bitmap or text matching, can be inserted during a recording, but all recorded items are validated and logged 'on the fly'. Fuzzy matching capabilities. Editable scripts can be recorded in SmithSript language or in Java, C++ or C++/MFC.
TestAgent - Capture/playback tool for user acceptance testing from Strenuus, LLC. Key features besides capture/playback include automatically detecting and capturing standard and custom content errors. Reports information needed to troubleshoot problems. Enables 'Persistent Acceptance Testing' that activates tests each time a web application is used.
MITS.GUI - Unique test automation tool from Omsphere LLC; has an intelligent state machine engine that makes real-time decisions for navigating through the GUI portion of an application. It can test thousands of test scenarios without use of any scripts. Allows creation of completely new test scenarios without ever having performed that test before, all without changing tool, testware architecture (object names, screen names, etc), or logic associated with the engine. Testers enter test data into a spreadsheet used to populate objects that appear for the particular test scenario defined.
Badboy - Tool from Bradley Software to aid in building and testing dynamic web based applications. Combines sophisticated capture/replay ability with performance testing and regression features. Free for most uses; source code available.
SAMIE - Free tool designed for QA engineers - 'Simple Automated Module For Internet Explorer'. Perl module that allows a user to automate use of IE via Perl scripts; Written in ActivePerl, allowing inheritance of all Perl functionality including regular expressions, Perl dbi database access, many Perl cpan library functions. Uses IE's built in COM object which provides a reference to the DOM for each browser window or frame. Easy development and maintenance - no need to keep track of GUI maps for each window. For Windows.
PAMIE - Free open-source 'Python Automated Module For Internet Explorer' Allows control of an instance of MSIE and access to it's methods though OLE automation . Utilizes Collections, Methods, Events and Properties exposed by the DHTML Object Model.
PureTest - Free tool from Minq Software AB, includes an HTTP Recorder and Web Crawler. Create scenarios using the point and click interface. Includes a scenario debugger including single step, break points and response introspection. Supports HTTPS/SSL, dynamic Web applications, data driven scenarios, and parsing of response codes or parsing page content for expected or unexpected strings. Includes a Task API for building custom test tasks. The Web Crawler is useful for verifying consistency of a static web structure, reporting various metrics, broken links and the structure of the crawled web. Multi-platform - written in Java.
Solex - Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE (an open, extensible IDE). Records HTTP messages by acting as a Web proxy; recorded sessions can be saved as XML and reopened later. HTTP requests and responses are fully displayed in order to inspect and customize their content. Allows the attachment of extraction or replacement rules to any HTTP message content, and assertions to responses in order to validate a scenario during its playback.
QA Wizard Pro - Automated functional test tool for web, windows, and java applications from Seapine Software. Includes a next-generation scripting language, 'smart matching', a global application repository, data-driven testing support, validation check points, and built-in debugging, batch file support, a real-time status tool, and remote execution support.
HttpUnit - Open source Java program for accessing web sites without a browser, from SourceForge.net/Open Source Development Network, designed and implemented by Russell Gold. Ideally suited for automated unit testing of web sites when combined with a Java unit test framework such as JUnit. Emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form submission, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. Includes ServletUnit to test servlets without a servlet container.
iOpus Internet Macros - Macro recorder utility from iOpus Inc. automates repetitious aspects of web site testing. Records any combination of browsing, form filling, clicking, script testing and information gathering; assists user during the recording with visual feedback. Power users can manually edit a recorded macro. A command line interface allows for easy integration with other test software. Works by remote controlling the browser, thus automatically supports advanced features such as SSL, HTTP-Redirects and cookies. Can handle data input from text files, databases, or XML. Can extract web data and save as CSV file or process the data via a script. For Windows and MSIE.
MaxQ - Free open-source web functional testing tool from Tigris.org, written in Java. Works as a proxy server; includes an HTTP proxy recorder to automate test script generation, and a mechanism for playing tests back from the GUI and command line. Jython is used as the scripting language, and JUnit is used as the testing library.
TestDrive-Gold - Test tool from Original Software Group Ltd. utilizes a new approach to recording/playback of web browser scripts. It analyses the underlying intentions of the script and executes it by direct communication with web page elements. IntelliScripting logic removes the reliance on specific browser window sizes, component location and mouse movements for accurate replay, and for easier script maintenance; supports hyperlinks targeted at new instances of browser. Playback can run in background while other tasks are performed on the same machine.
TestPartner - Automated software testing tool from Microfocus (formerly from Compuware) designed specifically to validate Windows, Java, and web-based applications. The 'TestPartner Visual Navigator' can create visual-based tests, or MS VBA can be used for customized scripting.
WebKing - Web site functional, load, and static analysis test suite from ParaSoft. Maps and tests all possible paths through a dynamic site; can enforce over 200 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, 508 compliance, WML and XHTML coding standards or customized standards. Allows creation of rules for automatic monitoring of dynamic page content. Can run load tests based on the tool's analysis of web server log files. For Windows, Linux, Solaris.
eValid - Web functional test tool from Software Research Inc. Browser-centric view simplifies test recording and editing, and replays user activity with accuracy by combining browser-internal data, timers, event counters, and direct DOM access. Can be used for AJAX-based web development methodologies. The built-in test suite management system eV.Manager controls test suite structure, runs tests automatically, records detailed logs and pass/fail statistics, and can handle hundreds of thousands of tests.
Rational Functional Tester - IBM's (formerly Rational's) automated tool for testing of Java, .NET, and web-based applications. Enables data-driven testing, choice of scripting languages and editors. For Windows and Linux.
QuickTest Pro - Functional/regression test tool from HP (formerly Mercury); keyword-driven; includes support for testing Web, Java, ERP, etc.
SilkTest - Functional test tool from Microfocus (formerly from Borland, formerly from Segue) for Web, Java or traditional client/server-based applications. Features include: test creation and customization, test planning and management, direct database access and validation, recovery system for unattended testing, and IDE for developing, editing, compiling, running, and debugging scripts, test plans, etc.
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