NTOSpider - Web application security scanner from NT OBJECTives. Analyzes site exposure risk, ranks threat priorities, produces highly graphical HTML reports, and indicates site security posture by vulnerabilities and threat exposure. Analyzes site structure, content and configuration to identify inherent exposure to future or emerging threats, produces a security posture rating and qualitative analysis of findings, with a complete catalog of all site resources and their attributes (e.g. forms, cookies, scripts, SQL strings and ODBC connectors, authentication, applets/objects, hidden fields, etc). Also available is NTOSpider On-Demand, for Saas based scanning.
Vega - A GUI-based, multi-platform, free and open source web security scanner from Subgraph Inc. that can be used to find instances of SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other vulnerabilities in your web applications. Also includes an intercepting proxy for interactive web application debugging. Vega attack modules are written in Javascript, users can easily modify them or write their own.
MileScan ParosPro - Web security auditing platform from Milescan Technologies. Capabilities include a network spider to collect information about a site's hierarchy; vulnerability scanning based on plug-ins written to target common web vulnerabilities, including many popular Content Management Systems vulnerabilities; simulates hacker attacks; scan scheduling; more.
Aribisec Web Analyzer - Web based online tool scans for potentially malicious links, analyzes HTML code, and checks server information and various parameters, without exposing the user to malicious content and without revealing your own web session. Can provide a quick and detailed overview of the security state of a web project. Free and paid $ versions.
Golem - Online web site security scanning service; available as one-time scan or periodic scanning service.
Skipfish - Open source active web application security scanner from Michal Zalewski/Google. Prepares interactive sitemap by carrying out a recursive crawl and dictionary-based probes. The map is then annotated with the security check output. The final output report is meant to serve as a foundation for professional web application security assessments. Goals for the tool are stated as: Raw speed; Unique brute-force capabilities: includes utilization of highly customized, hand-picked dictionaries, and a unique auto-learning feature that builds an adaptive, target-specific dictionary based on site content analysis; High quality security checks with an emphasis on well-crafted probes, and on testing for behavioral patterns, rather than signatures; Coverage of more nuanced problems - looks for significant security issues often neglected by other tools - such as caching intent mismatches, mixed content issues, XSSI, third-party scripts, cross-site request forgery, etc; Adaptive scanning for real-world applications - handles complex, mixed technology sites such as recognizing obscure 404 behaviors, unusual parameter passing conventions, redirection patterns, content duplication, etc; Sleek reports with minimal noise.
Seeker - Web security testing app from Quotium Technologies. Runs automatic and adaptive processes to accurately and quickly detect vulnerabilities. Pinpoints and reveals the most at-risk areas of source code and suggests code corrections for immediate implementation. Supports complex web development environments such as AJAX, Adobe Flex & Air, RIA, .Net, J2EE, Webservices, secure exchanges (HTTPS), etc.
WebSecurify - Open source integrated web security testing environment from GNUCITIZEN Information Security Think Tank, for identifying web vulnerabilities by using advanced browser automation, discovery and fuzzing technologies. Designed to perform automated as well as manual vulnerability tests; Automatically detected vulnerabilities include: SQL Injection, local and remote file include, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, information disclosure problems, session security problems, others including all categories in the OWASP TOP 10. Platform components can be extended with the help of add-ons and plugins. so task and business specific customizations can be introduced without cross-platform issues, deployment, internationalization and future support.
Samurai Web Testing Framework - Open source web pen testing framework from Inguardians Inc. includes a live linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. Includes a variety of open source and free tools web pen testing tools. Includes reconnaissance, mapping, discovery, and exploitation tools, and a pre-configured wiki set up to be the central information store during pen testing.
Arachni - Open source web application scanner by Tasos Laskos. Modular, high-performance Ruby framework for helping pen testers and administrators evaluate web app security. Arachni is 'self-training' by learning from the HTTP responses it receives during the audit process - it takes into account the dynamic nature of web applications and can detect changes during scanning.
Tarantula - Open source tool from Relevance Inc. that crawls your Rails application, fuzzing data to see what breaks.
RATS - The Rough Auditing Tool for Security is an open source code security analysis tool developed by Secure Software, which was acquired by Fortify Software/HP. Scans C, C++, Perl, PHP and Python source code and flags common security related programming errors such as buffer overflows and TOCTOU (Time Of Check, Time Of Use) race conditions. Provides a security analyst with a list of potential trouble spots on which to focus, along with describing the problem, its potential severity, and potential remedies. Also performs some basic analysis to try to rule out conditions that are obviously not problems. As the name implies, it provides a rough analysis of source code, and will not find all errors, and will find things that are not errors; can be used as an aid to manual code inspection.
beSTORM - Software security analysis fuzzing tool from Beyond Security; can be used for securing in-house software applications and devices, as well as testing the applications and devices of external vendors. Tries virtually every attack combination, intelligently starting with the most likely scenarios and detects application anomalies which indicate a successful attack. Also available is hosted service WSSA - Website and Web Server Security Auditing. Provides a complete report with the facts and recommendations needed to take corrective action. 15-day free trial.
Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) - An easy to use free open-source integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications; a fork of the well regarded Paros Proxy. Designed to be used by people with a wide range of security experience and as such is ideal for developers and functional testers who are new to penetration testing as well as being a useful addition to an experienced pen testers toolbox. ZAP provides automated scanners as well as a set of tools that allow you to find security vulnerabilities manually. Includes Intercepting Proxy, Automated scanner, Passive scanner, Brute Force scanner, Spider, Port Scanner, comprehensive help pages, cross platform, requires java 1.6.
Suru - Suru is a Man In The Middle (MITM) proxy tool from SensePost Pty Ltd that sits between the user's browser and the web application. It receives requests made by a the browser and records them. The requests can be modified in any way and replayed. Suru not only catches requests that were made by the user, but also requests that use the IE object, such as rich applications using web services, MSN ads, Google Earth requests, application auto-updates etc. The proxy understands multi part POSTs (MPPs) and XML POSTs (used for web services). Includes a web application fuzzer that provides the ability to fuzz any part of the HTTP request. This includes GET and POST parameters, but can also be extended to Host: fields, Content-length: etc. The analyst can choose to fuzz any point of the HTTP request header or body.
SPIKE Proxy - Free tool from Immunity Inc; looks for application-level vulnerabilities in web applications. It covers the basics, such as SQL Injection and cross-site-scripting, but it's completely open Python infrastructure allows advanced users to customize it for web applications that other tools fall apart on. SPIKE Proxy is available for Linux and Windows. Note: requires a working install of Python and pyOpenSSL on Linux. This is included in the Windows distribution.
Powerfuzzer - Open source automated customizable Web fuzzer; based on many other Open Source fuzzers available and information gathered from numerous security resources and websites. Capable of spidering website and identifying inputs. Capable of identifying common web vulnerabilities (incl. XSS, SQL Injection). Supports https. Written in python. Project leader is Marcin Kozlowski. Commercial version Powerfuzzer Online available as an online service.
Wapiti - Open source vulnerability scanner for web applications. It checks vulnerabilities like XSS, SQL and XPath injections, file inclusions, command execution, LDAP injections, CRLF injections. Uses Python; no SSL support.
nCircle Certified PCI Scan Service - External scan service from nCircle for all PCI Data Security Standard-relevant conditions. Upon completion of the scan, merchants have access to an auto-generated PCI Security Standards Council certified report. The scan report clearly indicates whether the merchant's payment network is secure, in which case the merchant may download the report and submit it to the acquiring bank.
SecPoint Penetrator - Site/network security testing tool from SecPoint ApS, available as penetration testing appliance or as a web-based service. Provides full vulnerability scanning, pen testing and capability to launch real exploits. Can change the IP addresses to scan on the license and can brand reports with your own logo. Scan for both Web and Host vulnerabilities; more than 14.000 remote unique vulnerabilities; including Cross Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, Directory Traversal vulnerabilities, command execution vulnerabilities, information disclosure vulnerabilities, file inclusion vulnerabilities.
Netsparker - Web application security scanner from Mavituna Security with integrated exploitation features to allow users to exploit the identified vulnerabilities and see the real impact of the problem. Capabilities include: false-positive-free; handling of websites that rely on AJAX and Javascript; confirms vulnerabilities by exploiting them in a safe non-destructive manner; specific impact and remediation information is tailored based on details of issue. For Windows.
ZeroDayScan - Free web site security scanning service; capabilities include cross site scripting attacks (XSS), detects hidden directories and backup files, looks for known security vulnerabilities, searches for SQL Injection vulnerabilities, generates free reports, more.
Fortify 360 - Security product from Fortify Software/HP includes vulnerability detection. Integrates static source code analysis, dynamic runtime analysis, and real-time monitoring to identify and accurately prioritize the greatest number of critical security vulnerabilities. Capabilities include the Program Trace Analyzer (PTA) that finds vulnerabilities that become apparent only while an application is running - integrate into a QA test to find vulnerabilities while a functional test is being conducted on an application. Also available is Fortify On Demand, a hosted security testing service.
OWASP Security Testing Tools - Variety of free and open source web security testing tools via the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) site. SQLiX is an SQL injection vulnerability test tool that uses multiple techniques - conditional errors injection; blind injection based on integers, strings or statements, MS-SQL verbose error messages ("taggy" method); can identify database version and gather info for MS-Access, MS-SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. Other security testing tools available include WSFuzzer, WebScarab, Tiger, LAPSE, Pantera, etc.
Retina Web Security Scanner - Vulnerability scanning tool from eEye Inc. for large, complex web sites and web applications. Identifies application vulnerabilities as well as site exposure risk, ranks threat priority, produces graphical, intuitive HTML reports, and indicates site security posture by vulnerabilities and threat level. Also performs an advanced site analysis on site structure, content and configuration to identify inherent exposure to future or emerging threats.
Hailstorm - Automated web security testing tool from Cenzic Inc.; customize and configure tests based on requirements, or use pre-sets for quick assessments. Capabilities include: prioritize vulnerabilities with a quantitative score called HARM; easy-to-use wizard-based interface; 'SmartAttacks' library, updated frequently; comprehensive reports with detailed remediation information and export capabilities; administrator control over user roles, tasks and privileges. Enterprise, Pro, Core, and Starter versions.
GamaSec - Automated online website vulnerability assessment delivers proactive tests to Web Servers, Web-interfaced Systems, and Web-based Applications. Configurable scan intervals/frequency. Supports a wide variety of HTTP Authentication schemes, common HTTP protocol, BASIC, NTLM with abilities to analyze the broadest web technologies; PHP, ASP.NET, ASP, etc.
Wikto - Web server security assessment tool for windows servers, open source, from SensePost. It's three main sections are its Back-End miner, Nikto-like functionality, and Googler to obtain additional directories for use by the other two. Includes ability to export results to CSV file
Nikto Scanner - Open source web server scanner from CIRT.net which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 3300 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 625 servers, and version specific problems on over 230 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated.
HP WebInspect - WebInspect automated security assessment tool for web applications and services, from HP (Formerly SPI Dynamics). Identifies known and unknown vulnerabilities, includes checks that validate proper web server configuration. Capabilities includes discovery of all XML input parameters and parameter manipulation on each XML field looking for vulnerabilities within the service itself. Requires Windows and MSIE.
AppScan - Tool suite from Rational/IBM (formerly Watchfire) automates web application security testing, produces defect analyses, and offers recommendations for fixing detected security flaws. Assessment module can be used by auditors and compliance officers to conduct comprehensive audits, and to validate compliance with security requirements. Also available as a hosted service.
Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner - Web site security testing tool from Acunetix first identifies web servers from a particular IP or IP range. It then crawls entire site, gathering information about every file it finds, and displaying website structure. After this discovery stage, it performs an automatic audit for common security issues. Applications utilizing CGI, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET can all be tested for vulnerabilities such as cross site scripting, SQL injection, CRLF injection, code execution, directory traversal and more. Acunetix WVS also ships with a number of advanced manual penetration testing tools to also ease the manual penetration test phase of a web application. Requires Windows and MSIE.
Defensics Core Internet Test Suite - Security testing tool from Codenomicon Onc. searches and preemptively eliminates security-related flaws from the implementations that create the backbone of the modern Internet and communication between the networked devices. This includes, but is not limited to, routers, switches, firewalls, desktop and server systems, laptops, PDAs, cell phones and other mobile systems, as well as a large number of various embedded systems. Because several protocols from this category are often tightly coupled with the underlying operating system, serious flaws in handling them may easily result in total system compromises.
Perimeter Check - SecurityMetrics 'Perimeter Check' service analyzes external network devices like servers, websites, firewalls, routers, and more for security vulnerabilities which may lead to interrupted service, data theft or system destruction. Includes instructions to help immediately remedy security problems. Can automatically schedule vulnerability assessment of designated IP addresses during low traffic times.
Core Impact Pro - Security testing tool from Core Security Technologies for web apps and other systems. Uses penetration testing techniques to safely identify exposures to critical, emerging threats and trace complex attack paths
C5 Compliance Platform - Security testing appliance from SecureElements Inc. for determining security and compliance status across heterogeneous systems. Identifies security vulnerabilities, finds compliance exposures, evaluates and matches exposures with fixes, provides ready to deploy remediations and enforcement actions, and summarized or detailed views of monitored assets, information security exposures, and compliance risks.
Snort - Open source network intrusion prevention and detection system from Sourcefire Inc.; uses a rule-driven language, which combines the benefits of signature, protocol and anomaly based inspection methods. Can perform protocol analysis, content searching/matching and can be used to detect a variety of attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting attempts, and much more.
SecurityMetrics Appliance - Integrated software and hardware device includes Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems and Vulnerability Assessment. Operates as a Layer 2 Bridge - no network configuration needed. Automatically downloads latest IDS attack signatures, vulnerability assessment scripts and program enhancements nightly.
Nessus - Vulnerability scanner from Tenable Network Security with high speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs, and across physically separate networks. Free to download and subscriptions for vulnerability updates are free for home users; annual fee for Professional license. Updated continuously. Includes scripting language for writing custom plugins.
Security Center - Security management tool from Tenable Network Security for asset discovery, vulnerability detection, event management and compliance reporting for small and large enterprises. Includes management of vulnerability, compliance, intrusion and log data. Company also provides the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner, and Passive Vulnerability Scanner.
SARA - 'Security Auditor's Research Assistant' Unix-based security analysis tool from Advanced Research Corp. Supports the FBI/SANS Top 20 Consensus; remote self scan and API facilities; plug-in facility for third party apps; SANS/ISTS certified, updated bi-monthly; CVE standards support; based on the SATAN model. Freeware. Also available is 'Tiger Analytical Research Assistant' (TARA), an upgrade to the TAMU 'tiger' program - a set of scripts that scan a Unix system for security problems.
Qualys Free Security Scans - Several free security scan services from Qualys, Inc. including SANS/FBI Top 20 Vulnerabilities Scan, network security scan, and browser checkup tool.
GFiLANguard - Network vulnerability and port scanner, patch management and network auditing tool from GFI Software. Scans using vulnerability check databases based on OVAL and SANS Top 20, providing thousands of vulnerability assessments.
Qualys Guard - Online service that does remote network security assessments; provides proactive 'Managed Vulnerability Assessment', inside and outside the firewall,
Lumension Scan - Stand-alone network-based scanning solution from Lumension Security that performs a comprehensive external scan of all of the devices on your network, including servers, desktop computers, laptops, routers, printers, switches and more; risk-based prioritization of identified threats; continuously updated vulnerability database for orderly remediation; comprehensive reports of scan results
Secure-Me - Automated security test scanning service from Broadbandreports.com for individual machines. Port scans, denial-of-service checks, 45 common web server vulnerability checks, web server requests-per-second benchmark, and a wide variety of other tests. Limited free or full licensed versions available.
SAINT - Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool - Security testing tool from SAINT Corporation. An updated and enhanced version of the SATAN network security testing tool. Updated regularly; CVE compatible. Includes DoS testing, reports specify severity levels of problems. Single machine or full network scans. Also available is 'WebSAINT' self-guided scanning service, and SAINTbox scanner appliance. Runs on many UNIX flavors.
NMap Network Mapper - Free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing; designed to rapidly scan large networks or single hosts. Uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (ports) they are offering, what operating system (and OS version) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and many other characteristics. Runs on most flavors of UNIX as well as Windows.
NetIQ Security Analyzer - Multi-platform vulnerability scanning and assessment product. Systems are analyzed on demand or at scheduled intervals. Automatic update service allows updating with latest security tests. Includes a Software Developer's Kit to allow custom security test additions. For Windows/Solaris/Linux
Foundstone - Vulnerability management software tools from McAfee/Network Associates can provide comprehensive enterprise vulnerability assessments, remediation information, etc. Available as a hardware appliance, software product, or managed service.
OWASP Security Testing Tools Listing - Listing of commercial, free, and open source security testing tools, source code analyzers, and binary analysis tools via the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) site.
Top 125 Security Tools - Listing of 'top 125' network security tools from survey by Gordon Lyon/Insecure.org/Sectools.org. (Includes various types of security tools, not just for testing.)
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Thank you Jake Alexander!!!!!!!